Emerging Opportunities

Conversations about Carbon Playlist

Conversations About Carbon

Conversations about Carbon is a monthly series created to address your carbon related questions. We host a virtual discussion with an expert who will take on key questions about carbon reduction, removal and repair. The overall goal is to help move research, education and extension forward on how agriculture can play a role in mitigating climate change. This series is hosted by Iowa State University Bioeconomy Institute in association with Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Watch previous Conversations about Carbon videos here


Carbon Science for Carbon Markets: Emerging Opportunities in Iowa
Governor's Carbon Sequestration Task Force Summary Brief
Measuring Soil Organic Carbon: A Crucial Iowa Resource


Pipeline study shows soil compaction and crop yield impacts in construction right-of-way

Utility-scale Wind and Solar Development in Iowa: Trends, Prospects, and the Land Factor

What’s in Store for Voluntary Agricultural Carbon Markets?

Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Publication Database


Conversations About Carbon Playlist