How to Grow and Sell Carbon Credits in US Agriculture
How do Data and Payments Flow through Ag Carbon Programs?
Implications of a US Carbon Tax on Agricultural Markets and GHG Emissions from Land-use Change
Cover Crops and No-till in the I-States: Non-Permanence and Carbon Markets
Futures Market for Ag Carbon Offsets under Mandatory and Voluntary Emission Targets
Optimal Environmental Border Adjustments Under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Effects of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act on U.S. and Global Agricultural Markets
Assessment of Carbon Tax Policies: Implications on U.S. Agricultural Production and Farm Income
How Carbon Credits are Certified Could Change the Market Structure
US Agriculture as a Carbon Sink: From International Agreements to Farm Incentives
Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Publication Database
Ecosystem Market Information (Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership)
Ecosystem Market Information - Background and Comparison Table 2 (Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership)
Ecosystem Market Information - Background and Comparison Table 3 (Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership)
Tools & Resources
Net Returns to Carbon Farming Decision Tool
What is Agriculture's Role in Decarbonization and Carbon Markets? (Decode 6)